Fortis Publishing

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Fortis Publishing

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Patricia M Wennell

Andrew Morrissey

John West

Daz Tait

Paula Rooney

This is the inspirational true story of a 55-year-old woman who puts the ghosts of the past behind her and determined to discover a sense of freedom, embarks on a solo backpacking trip around Europe.

45 trains. 14 buses. 10 countries. 16 beds. a cable car and a tin boat in an underground cave

She travelled to mountain tops, across the Swiss Alps, melted in Venice, felt emotional in Ljubljana, fell in love with Czech and was surprised with Germany.

All the while, searching for a decent cup of tea and hoping there’s a kettle in the room.

Publishing Important Voices


We live in the time of Me Too and Black Lives Matter.We live in a time when the police are starting to give victims of sexual abuse the benefit of the doubt. We live in a time when social media’s disruptive force makes everything more transparent than ever before. We live in a time when an individual voice can be heard as loudly as a chorus of voices. At Fortis Publishing, we empower important voices and help them be heard.

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